Dear MBC Students:

These are interesting times to say the least!  The spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus has made an indelible mark on all facets of public and private life and certainly creates unique circumstances for colleges such as ours.  Yet in the midst of these challenges, our hope remains sure in God’s unchanging promises to provide and care for His children in times of need.  Our staff members are smiling and joyful even as we tackle these issues.

In the midst of the currently fluid situation in our country, we remain committed to the safety, health, and well-being of all our students, staff and faculty.  We are also devising contingency plans that will allow for continued academic progress and completion through the end of the semester.  Here are some important updates related to both of these objectives:

  • Having just received word yesterday that Governor Bullock has directed all public schools in Montana to close through March 27th, we believe it is prudent to follow in step with these mandates. Therefore on-campus classes will not be held from March 23rd – March 26th following spring break. Corresponding to this closure, there will be no chapels and no Tuesday lunch. However, just because classes will not meet, it does not necessarily mean assignment due dates have been invalidated.  Please continue to see yourself as a student through this time and to the end of this academic year and use the extra time to complete reading and projects as assigned.  
  • Though our aim is to minimize disruption to MBC, we are prepared for any range of options.
  • It is possible that class lectures will be delivered in an online format for a time. The “worst case” scenario still allows for the completion of the semester even if some course syllabi must be restructured.  We have been given broad latitude by the U.S. Department of Education and our accreditation agency to make accommodation for this unprecedented event.  Please watch for an email from your individual instructors and professors related to your specific classes and how classroom content will be delivered. 
  • All residence halls remain open and will continue to remain open for current residential students; however, in the interests of protecting our student body from any transmission of the virus from outside sources, we are no longer allowing overnight guests on our campus starting immediately, unless an exception has been granted by the Dean of Students. This restriction remains in effect until revoked.
  • It is imperative that all MBC students diligently practice the precautions given by CDC- frequent handwashing with soap, appropriate social distancing, disinfecting frequently touched hard surfaces, avoiding large gatherings, and self-quarantine if you are feeling ill. We currently have two apartments in both the men’s and women’s units, designated as quarantine areas if any of our students contracts the virus.  If the need should arise, be aware that it may require some students to move into a new apartment for a period of time.  No students are currently reporting any suspicious illness and no students or staff have tested positive for the virus. 
  • If you are currently away from campus, please update the Dean of Students ( on your current geographic location and your plans to return to campus. For students currently residing on campus, please alert us to any specific needs you have which you cannot meet on your own.  We will do all we can to assist. 
  • Stay tuned to our website and social media channels for the most current updates from the administration.

In the midst of the uncertainty of the times, let’s seize the opportunity to put our faith into action.  In contrast to hoarding and greediness, let’s shine with unusual deeds of kindness and generosity.  In contrast to fear and panic, let’s display our trust in God with confidence.  We remember the words of the psalmist in Psalm 125:1- “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever” and the assuring and pointed words of our Savior to his followers, “… do not be anxious about your life…” (Matthew 6:25).

We are praying for you and your loved ones to be protected and provided for during this crisis.  Please pray for us as well.

Ryan Ward