To MBC Students:

Today, our crisis response team in coordination with our administration, met to discuss how we can best serve our students in this time of national disruption because of the coronavirus. Certainly, the events of the last couple of weeks have been unusual and unprecedented. We have been actively monitoring both public policy and private operational decisions of other similar institutions.

After carefully weighing the many variables as well as soliciting input from our staff and faculty, we have decided that we will finish the spring 2020 semester in a fully online mode. While certainly not our first preference (we had hoped to resume face-to-face classes), we believe this option is the best for the following reasons: 1) It avoids continual confusion and disruption. Our students and instructors need to be able to plan for completion of the semester without worrying about additional changes due to the continued spread of COVID-19 and the unknowns of additional public policy measures. Trying to continue face-to-face classes would have prolonged uncertainty. 2) This decision is proactive, rather than reactive, in safeguarding the health of all who are connected to the College.

We will still resume classes on Monday, March 30, in a live and fully participatory online mode (details below). Your class schedule will remain the same! Classes will be held on the same days and times, and the attendance policy remains unchanged. Despite this change of modality, we are fully committed to delivering the high-quality educational content you expect and MBC is known for. We are also committed to helping you finish the semester successfully. Thank you for your prayers and patience with us during this time. We love you and are upholding you and your families before the Father daily.

Continue reading for a FAQ list which we hope will help answer the many questions that will undoubtedly arise from this decision. If there are other questions you have or other ways we can be of service to you, please do not hesitate to contact one of us. We will be reaching out to each student individually.

Ryan Ward