In class, your professors are rich resources of Biblical, theological, and practical knowledge. In weekly Forums, you hear from thought leaders, pastors, and ministry leaders who challenge you to think deeply and grow. And when you're nearing graduation and ready to launch, you need connections to ministries looking for someone who is trained and ready like you. Take advantage of the resources available! This is a great place to start.
Published Works
MBC professors are rich resources of Biblical, theological, and practical knowledge - inside and outside the classroom! Dive deeper with these published works by MBC faculty and staff:
Authored or edited by Dr. Andre A. Gazal, Vice President of Academic Affairs:
Scripture and Royal Supremacy in Tudor England: The Use of Old Testament Historical Narrative
Defending the Faith: John Jewel and the Elizabethan Church (Early Modern Studies)
Reforming the Catholic Tradition: The Whole Word for the Whole Church
A Treatise on Christian Moderation (Library of Early English Protestantism)
An Apology of the Church of England
Authored by MBC President Ryan Ward:
Authored or edited by Dr. Lionel Young, MBC Intercultural Ministry and World Christianity Chair:
World Christianity and the Unfinished Task: A Very Short Introduction
Lionel Young Jr.: A Short History of His Life

Ministry Openings
Ready for real-life application of what you've learned at MBC? Check out the Ministry Openings Job Board. On a regular basis, regional churches and ministries let MBC know when they're looking for a candidate, and that candidate could be you!