Certificate in Biblical Studies

The Certificate in Biblical Studies program is a one to four year, 30 credit hour program designed for high school graduates who plan to attend a university, university graduates who plan to enter the work force, missionary candidates, or anyone who wants a solid biblical foundation to help prepare them for a life of Christian living and service! The goals of this program are for the students to:


  1. To grow in foundational biblical and theological knowledge. Though students may come to us with a general knowledge of the Bible well in hand, we recognize the value of obtaining a comprehensive understanding of all books of the Bible and basic doctrines. This knowledge is intended to ground students firmly in the skills of biblical interpretation and application.
  2. To learn the basic skills of discipleship with the ultimate goal of service in a local church. In order to carry out the command of “making disciples” in the great commission, students must have a working understanding of how to minister within the church in the manner prescribed by Jesus. A basic theology of discipleship ministry and skills development in how to disciple is introduced.
  3. To learn of opportunities for future ministry. Ministry is expected in the future of every student. The real question is in what capacity they will minister. Students will gain understanding of what is involved in various capacities of full-time ministry in such positions as pastor, missionary, missions support staff, etc. Alongside such exposure, students will also come to an understanding of how they fit in the Church, even if they are not in the position of full-time service.

Freshman Year


Fall semester
Course # Course Name Credits
SF 100 Chapel 0
BS 101 Old Testament Survey(& Storyline) 3
TH 101 Survey of Doctrine 3
LS 105 Effective Written Communication(College Research & Writing) 3
SF 110 Living by Design 3
ED 102 Examining Worldviews 3
Total: 15
Spring Semester
Course # Course Name Credits
SF 100 Chapel 0
BC 102 New Testament Survey (& Storyline) 3
LS 205 Family Development 3
EP 104 Logic 3
BS 105 Bible Study Methods (+Logos) 3
BS__ Bible Exposition Course 3
Total: 15


How do I register?

Simply apply to MBC (either online or paper). If you only want to take courses for personal enrichment, you may complete a short application form.

What is the cost?

MBC courses are $400 per credit hour. The cost to audit is $200 per class.

Are scholarships available?

Many churches have programs whereby they scholarship their students for Bible college. Ask your local church.

Click here to access the church matching scholarship.

Will these courses transfer?

 Any courses taken for credit also have the potential to transfer to other university studies. This program provides the opportunity to transfer into the baccalaureate program at MBC and still complete a bachelor’s degree in four years! 

Can I simply take some courses for personal enrichment, but not with intent to complete the full certificate program?

Yes! Any of these courses may be audited for personal enrichment.