Welcome to the Giving Page! We are so thankful that God has blessed Montana Bible College with so many loving and generous people like yourself. If you have any questions or need to talk to someone about a unique or creative way of supporting MBC, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


• Cash or Check
•  Direct Withdrawal
•  Credit Card
•  IRA Required Minimum Distribution


• Stocks
• Bonds
• Securities


• Vehicle
• House
• Land
• Building
• Cattle
• Mineral Rights


• Will Bequest
• Trust
• Annuity
• Charitable Remainder Trust


A large donation that accomplishes a HUGE area of the Strategic Plan

• Whole Income Stream
• Housing
• Campus Development Gift


• Events
• Building Projects
• Grounds Care
• Library
• Tutoring Services
• Childcare

Featured Giving Project: Keep Students Safe with a Campus Security System

Campus Security Project

Now that the MBC dorms are filled with students, it’s imperative to keep them safe! Because student safety is a top priority, a security system complete with cameras and badge-access door locks has been purchased and installed. Your gift toward this project will offset this expenditure.


Scholarships for Students
Goal: $200,000 Annual by Dec. 31st
  •  MBC is committed to graduating students debt-free!  Our students pay as they go.  Almost all of them work jobs in addition to being full-time students. Scholarships can make all the difference in helping students finish their education!  You can help!
    • Why graduate students debt-free?  To send them into God’s harvest field unencumbered by debt.  
    • Why doesn’t MBC participate in Federal funding? 
      #1. We want to depend on God working through His people to fund MBC so that God gets the

      #2. We want less exposure to government regulation to coerce us to go along with its unbiblical agenda.  It appears the day is quickly approaching when such funding will no longer be possible for those who will not bow to the agenda.  
    • Why are scholarships so important?  First, we need to keep college affordable for hardworking students who want to graduate debt-free.  And student tuition alone cannot cover the cost of their education.  Second, the government has recently increased the Pell Grant and is working toward doubling it, effectively driving down the cost of our competition.  Getting
      grants has both a real and a psychological affect on students.  We need to offer scholarships to offset those factors in order to have the opportunity to train these students for Christ!  
    • Why $200,000?  This is our starting goal, equivalent to $2000 per year for 100 students, on top of our existing church matching scholarships and merit scholarships.
Scholarships for Veteran Students
GOAL: $25,000 Annually

The US government quietly changed the law so that colleges can no longer accept the GI Bill for veterans unless they participate in Federal Title IV funding.  These funds are considered earned benefits for our veterans, but MBC is no longer able to accept them, and our veterans are getting the short end of the stick.  Would you help us replace these funds with scholarships for veterans?

Scholarships for International Students
GOAL: $25,000 Annually

Jesus sent His witnesses into ALL the world, and MBC can play a role in training these workers.  International students add a rich element to the campus culture, bringing a larger perspective, adding cultural diversity, and often bringing a passion and work ethic that challenges our American students to step it up.  But our government makes it all but impossible for international students to get a student visa and a work visa.  We have relationship with international churches and MBC alums on the mission field who badly want to send students to us for training because of the high quality.  We recently spoke with the pastor of a large Brazilian church.  We asked why they didn’t want to send their students to Bible colleges in Brazil.  He told us that, first, there are not nearly enough colleges and, second, that the education they offer did not compare with what they saw one of their young men get in a single year in Bible college in the US.  But finances are a perpetual issue.  Would you help us train these national workers to serve their home countries?


Multimedia Studio
GOAL: $20,000


Our goal for funding our multimedia studio includes all hardware and software needed to create content for Montana Bible College. Our goal also includes a budgeted amount for the distribution of content so that more people can see and engage with what God is doing at Montana Bible College.

Consider helping Montana Bible College prepare for when prospective students begin their online serch for their continued educatuion.

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Alternative Income Streams
GOAL: 4 Income Streams


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  •  A key initiative of MBC’s Strategic Plan is to start alternative income streams.  Recognizing the changes in our culture and regulatory environment, MBC’s Board believes that for Bible college education to be sustainable and debt-free, it must be supplemented.  Alternative revenue streams, done right, can be training grounds for students, can bless the community by meeting needs, and can provide funds to advance the college’s mission.  But whether small or large, a coffee hut or an assisted living facility, income streams need start-up capital.  Maybe you have a key component – a capital donation; a building for use; a home to donate for rental income, ranch or farm property to lease out, the expertise to oversee startups.  If so, talk to us!


Fix the Main Line
GOAL: $15,000

RAISED: $8,225

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Thanks to the generosity of wonderful partners, money was raised to fix a water leak under the MBC parking lot.  The work couldn’t be scheduled during the winter of 2022/2023 – needing to wait for the ground to thaw in the spring.  Then, the Lord opened the door for MBC to move to Billings.  The money raised assured the campus purchasers that this issue can be fixed, and it was made part of the buy-sell agreement, thereby removing what could have been an obstacle to the campus sale.

Staff Housing
GOAL: $48,000

RAISED: $50,000

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Thanks to a very generous donation God has answered our prayers of being able to help staff reduce the impact of rising costs of living in Bozeman, MT. Thank you for being a part of this much needed goal!

Apartment Improvements
GOAL: $30,000

RAISED: $30,000

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MBC’s student housing is such a blessing! Yet buildings have needs. MBC is committed to stewarding our resources well. Currently, we have lots of flooring that is showing its age and ready for replacement. We also have windows that have lost their seal and need replacing. $4000 could floor an apartment (7 needed). $300 can replace a window. $3,000 would fix them all!

School Van

RAISED: $40,000
SECOND GOAL: $40,000

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Some extremely generous financial partners took us above and beyond our expectations.  They supplied additional funding to surpass the basic need and helped us purchase a 2016 Ford Shuttlebus for nearly $40,000.  This vehicle may open up an additional income stream as well as meet our transportation needs.
MBC Vehicle
GOAL: $25,000

RAISED: $34,451

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MBC was recently blessed with an extremely generous donation that was designated for this exact need of having a multi-use vehicle on campus. The new addition of the 2018 Honda Odyssey is truly an answer to our prayers and we are beyond thankful to God and the people that made this possible.

Scholarships for Students

RAISED: $62,872

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MBC is committed to graduating students debt-free!  Our students pay as they go.  Almost all of them work jobs in addition to being full-time students.  Scholarships can make all the difference in helping students finish their education!  You can help!