B.A. in Biblical Studies

Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies

Montana Bible College offers a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies with one of five emphasis options:

Elementary Education link coming soon.  Regardless of the emphasis pursued, the first year of any program is identical to give students a solid biblical foundation and allow them the opportunity to become familiar with each program prior to choosing one course of study.  All degree emphases provide a wealth of ministry-related instruction.

Each degree program includes core courses (see the MBC Catalog) designed to help students grow in their understanding of Scripture and their commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ.  Students will be engaged in ministry training in the classroom and through experience in local churches.  Courses specifically designed for discipleship guide students in ministry training and experience.  Bible exposition courses are offered in a systematic rotation to give students a breadth of study in various authors and literary styles.

Each degree program also includes general education courses.  MBC has selected courses in each general education discipline to prepare the student specifically for ministry.  For example, our History of Western Civilization course teaches students to make the connection between the history they are learning and the Bible’s historical background.


Students who complete the Bachelor of Arts degree will be able to:


  1. Understand and explain biblical content and themes. All students of Scripture must be able to understand accurately the purpose of the biblical author in any book of the Bible.  Students will also be able to articulate in oral and written form general themes common throughout Scripture.
  2. Apply discipleship ministry skills in one-to-one and small group relationships. The skill of training others to “follow me as I follow Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1) is the essential element to maintaining the church from one generation to the next. Students will learn to follow biblical leadership, model a biblical lifestyle for others to follow, and intentionally reproduce new disciple-makers.
  3. Provide biblical solutions to counseling issues. Every individual will confront sin in his or her personal life and relationships.  To overcome sin is the goal of sanctification, and sometimes assistance may be necessary.  Counseling is one person biblically guiding another into right thinking and living, and all Christians who desire to serve others will be given by the Lord the opportunity to minister in this way.  Both biblical knowledge and the commitment to live and follow that knowledge are prerequisites to leading others to follow Scriptural teaching.
  4. Evangelize locally and cross-culturally. Whether it be in a familiar or foreign culture, students must be able to articulate and live the Gospel in such a way that the ultimate purpose of God’s glory in all of humanity is clearly heard and seen.
  5. Demonstrate a maturing commitment to Christ in daily lifestyle. Knowledge is useless if the difference in life is absent.  Though students will learn a great deal in their years at Bible college, learning by itself is insufficient.  Students will be trained in how to live lives that honor the reputation of the One who saved them.  This includes both spiritual and physical areas.  The goal of every Christian pursuit is to further the glory of God’s name; Bible college education is one of many disciplines used to accomplish the change that will bring about further glory to God.
  6. Provide sufficient evidence of spiritual and academic growth to pursue further Bible training at a seminary or other institution of higher education. Some MBC graduates will desire to pursue further education.  The character, knowledge, and skills learned at Montana Bible College in the Bachelor of Arts degree program will enable these students to thrive in the environments of rigorous academic pursuit.


Every student pursuing a bachelor’s degree at Montana Bible College is required to complete an internship related to his/her major or emphasis. This internship is a vital component of the student’s education.  The internship is a guided field experience intended to bring together in a “real-life” setting the knowledge and skills the student acquired through academic study. While the internship for most of the majors and emphases is for four credits, the one for the missions emphasis is twelve, and encompasses the entirety of the fall semester of the student’s senior year.    The internship is a course for which a student is registered in a given semester, and has requirements which he/she must fulfill for a grade.

One of the most significant challenges students face in preparing for an internship is finding an internship.  If a student does not have a specific internship in mind, MBC can help.  The Office of Academic Affairs regularly makes formal agreements with various churches, ministries, and organizations to provide such opportunities for MBC students.  Therefore, we encourage students to see the Vice President of Academic Affairs about specific internship opportunities for their emphases or majors.


Internship Policy 

Montana Bible College requires that a student achieve Junior standing before applying for an internship.  Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

Procedures for Applying and Serving Internships

1. Pick up an Internship Packet from the Registrar’s Office. This packet will contain the following materials:

  • Requirements for the Specific Internship
  • Application for Internship
  • Agreement to Enlist
  • Internship Supervisor’s Initial Report
  • Intern’s First Report
  • Internship Supervisor’s Final Report
  • Intern’s Final Report
  • Internship Checklist

2. Read the Internship Requirements contained in the Packet first

3. Complete the Application for Internship (the grey form) and have it signed by the Emphasis Chair, Vice President of Academic Affairs, and the prospective Internship Supervisor. Note: the application must be signed by these individuals prior to registration for the internship as a course.  Only when these signatures are obtained is the application completed.  After obtaining these three signatures, the student shall submit the application to the Registrar who will then register the student for the internship as a class.

4. Complete the Agreement to Enlist in a meeting with the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the emphasis chair, and the Internship Supervisor, and submit it to the Registrar.

5. Half-way through the internship, the intern shall complete and submit the “Intern’s First Report” included in the Packet to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Likewise, the Internship Supervisor shall complete and submit the Internship Supervisor’s Initial Report to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

6. At the end of the internship, both the intern and the Internship Supervisor shall complete a final report, using the forms in the Packet, and submit them to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

See the MBC Catalog for more information such as core curriculum courses, concentration specific courses, and general education requirements.