The MBC Crisis Response Team met again this morning to review the Governor’s “Stay at Home Order.” Of most pertinence to MBC is the specific exemption language for educational institutions: “Educational institutions – including public and private pre-K-12 schools, colleges, and universities – for purposes of facilitating remote learning, performing critical research, or performing other essential functions consistent with prior Directives on school closures and the continued provision of certain services, provided that social distancing of six-feet per person is maintained to the greatest extent possible.”
At its basic level, this means that MBC will proceed with online education as announced earlier this week. We’re thankful to have made that decision preemptively!
There are a few important implications of the Stay at Home Order for MBC.
In keeping with this order, MBC will proceed on the following basis:
- Our staff and faculty will work from home as possible; on-site as necessary.
- Staff members will have more or less necessary on-site function as their duties require.
- Faculty members can still teach from the library conference rooms as set up earlier this week. This new directive does not change our class plan.
- The MBC office will be closed to all non-employees. Student mailbox items may be delivered to students at the door.
- The library will support essential faculty and student teaching and learning, but the library will remain closed to the public and will implement practices in keeping with the directive.
- Students whio live in MBC housing or elsewhere in Montana, as citizens, are to follow the “stay at home” order. If you are unsure how that affects you and if your employment is exempted, read the directive linked above.
Thanks for upholding one another in prayer and through encouragement! Keep it up, brothers and sisters! Don’t let one another become discouraged, but strengthen one another in the Lord.