“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

On March 2, 2021 we held our bi-annual day of prayer. This year Jenni O’Brian, Dean of Women, Director of Institutional Effectiveness along with Micah Forsythe, Director of Discipleship and Glen Schaumloeffel, Vice President of College Relations, Dean of Students spent time reworking the schedule not only for the set aside day of prayer, but also to create a way to invite the students to commit to additional prayer challenges throughout the entire week. The Day of Prayer started with a time for personal prayer and journaling. Students were encouraged to find a quiet place to pray. Next the students divided into class groups. Glen Schaumloeffel led the freshman, Micah Forsythe led the Sophomore class, and Ryan Ward and Jenni O’Brian headed up the Junior and Senior classes. We do not divide the student body up by class very often and many found this was a really special time to connect with their classmates in prayer. The students then came together and rotated through different groups praying for various ministries, student body needs, the local and global church, our government, and more. After this time, we all joined together for corporate worship and scripture reading. A time of solitude and silence followed up this time as the students prepared their hearts to join in communion together. Glen Schaumloeffel led communion.


It was an intentional morning!  Based off this morning schedule students were invited in participate in additional activities throughout the week. Freshman were encouraged to fast from entertainments, social media, video games, and more. We challenged them to use this time to intentionally focus on interpersonal relationships, reading a book, praying, and/or journaling. The sophomore, Junior and Senior classes were challenged to fast for two meals (ideally Monday night through Tuesday lunch – and break their fast with communion). The Juniors and Seniors were encouraged to take time for solitude and silence – finding chunks of time to get away and be quiet and still. Throughout the week there were various prayer meetings that the students were encouraged to attend. Our desire is that our students would live lives dedicated to prayer and communion with their Savior.  We want to foster a culture of prayer on campus so that everything we do and say flows from our time with God.

When asked about the day of prayer, here are some of the students’ and staff thoughts and reflections!

It was challenging! I hadn’t realized how stagnant and disciplined my prayer life was becoming as I got too comfortable in the same old routine! It was good to focus and god deeper to wake me up to the need for prayer in my life!

Emily Decker, MBC Sophomore

The Day of Prayer this year was a much needed time to re-focus my eyes on Christ and His goodness in my life. It is so easy to become distracted and stressed with all of the cares of this world, and sometimes you need to take a step back to dwell on the Lord, His finished work in Christ, and all that He is doing around the world. Prayer is such an important aspect of our lives as believers, and the Lord works mightily through the prayers of His Church.

Aaron King, MBC Junior


Prayer is so vital to our Christian walk, and such a beautifully intimate way to communicate with our creator. But because of my narrow, earthly view, I don’t acknowledge God in prayer like I should. The day of prayer gave me an amazing opportunity to refocus on Him. The prayer for our country helped my heart to soften to those who I disagree with politically and really pray for their heart, and that is powerful.

Taylor King, MBC Junior


Taking thoughtful time in solitude was so healthy for my soul. I am so thankful that God created us to be relational beings, but time spent with myself and the Lord is still necessary. And praying together as a school was so amazing to see and do. We spent that morning praying more than we spent doing anything else. It was the sweetest of time to do this with my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Kaitlyn Reid, MBC One Year Certificate


The thing I appreciated the most about day of prayer was the intentionality of the day. Sometimes life just gets so busy and we only pray for things that pop in our heads right away. Being intentional about surrendering everything to God helped to fix my focus on my intentionality in talking to God as truly the one I desperately desire. It was a good reminder that He is truly enough.

Sienna Davis, MBC Freshman


It was a really good opportunity to assess my heart attitude and to resubmit my heart to the rule and reign of God in the midst of a busy semester.

Megan Rich, MBC Freshman

It was beautiful to see all of the students come together like that, praying for outreach and really showing their dedication to God. It felt like a community of people I’m proud to be with.

Cari Richardson, MBC Freshman


The day of prayer brought to light the insufficiency and incapability of me to earn a right standing before God and how the Christian life from start to finish is a reliance on God as the giver of all we need in both faith and practice of that faith.

Josh Rzechula, MBC Freshman


The Day of Prayer this semester was beneficial. I loved the fact that I can incorporate fasting and prayer into my busy week. It’s a time to stop and reflect and commune with the God who I love and praise. It’s a great opportunity to lay aside my wants, and bring myself to understand God’s will and desire for my life.

Jeremy Dorcheus, MBC Sophomore


I loved the worship and scripture sharing section of the day. It was really refreshing to hear the students and staff reflect on scripture that has impacted them.

McKenna Rau, MBC Junior


I’m grateful for the day set aside by the school, and pray that God continues to use it as a refreshing reminder of just how satisfying it is to humble ourselves before the God who saved us.

Luke Ronhaar, MBC Senior


The Day of Prayer reflects the fact that our education is about our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ first and foremost. It’s beautiful to watch the Montana Bible College Community all joined together with one heart and voice, pouring out our hearts to our Lord.

Ryan Ward, Montana Bible College President


In the midst of all of the “noise” surrounding us, the Day of Prayer provided a prime opportunity for our campus community to cease striving and know (experientially and spiritually) that He is God.  Our students, staff and faculty were spiritually renewed and refreshed in giving this time to prayer, reflection, and worship without any other items on the agenda.  

Glen Schaumloeffel, Vice President of College Relations, Dean of Students