Our mission is centered on students. We train students. We disciple students. And we send these trained workers out into the world to make a difference in God’s kingdom. This fall we welcomed a new cohort and began investing in them immediately along with...
Two thousand years ago the apostle Paul wrote to the churches in Galatia warning them, “As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!” (Galatians 1:9). Paul’s warning of the...
How many times have you remarked, “Who would have thought…?” For me, I never would have dreamed that one day God would allow me the privilege of serving Him as the president of MBC. 28 years ago, when MBC held its very first commencement, I was a teenager still...
Montana Bible College (MBC) is debt free. Because the college board has practiced wise stewardship, our rainy day funds will sustain us for another year. Also, we are thankful for the 18 active applications for the upcoming semesters. And, this is exciting news, we...
The mission of Montana Bible College is to glorify God, through Biblical higher education, by training men and women for a lifetime of dynamic Christian living and service. The mission: This is WHY we exist. Montana Bible College: An independent non-denominational...